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Die ungleiche und kombinierte Entwicklung von Arbeitsformen

Nick Taylor

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Schlagwörter: Varieties of Capitalism, Trotzki, ungleiche und kombinierte Entwicklung, Arbeit, Migration


The Uneven and Combined Development of Labour Forms.


This article seeks to elaborate a framework for the study of diversity in labour forms using Trotsky’s theory of uneven and combined development (U&CD). It argues that labour markets are constituted by systemic  processes of capital accumulation and uneven development in the global  economy, but that these processes have highly differentiated outcomes in terms of the forms of labour that have historically emerged within and  across national boundaries. Exploring some of the neglected elements of different labour forms, including non-waged labour, the article  demonstrates how we might conceptualise the way in which combinations of labour forms exist within any given space of the world economy. Using the examples of both internal and transnational migration it argues that  charting the social and spatial relations of production, and the labouring  experiences and forms of worker politics associated with them, is an effective way of understanding the constitution and restructuring of different labour forms.

Keywords: Varieties of capitalism, Trotsky, uneven and combined development, labour, migration
