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Zur Kritik der „hierarchischen Marktökonomie“. Globale Produktion und Arbeiterklassenkonflikte in Argentiniens Automobilindustrie

Adam Fishwick

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Schlagwörter: Hierarchische Marktökonomie, industrielle Entwicklung, Argentinien, Automobilindustrie, Spielarten des Kapitalismus, ArbeiterInnenklasse


Beyond and Beneath the Hierarchical Market Economy.


Global Production and Working Class Confl ict in Argentina’s Automobile Industry. Thispaper argues that the Hierarchical Market Economy (HME) category does not provide an adequate starting point for addressing  capitalist diversity in Latin America. Building on a critical perspective of the Global Commodity Chain (GCC) and Global Production Network (GPN)  approaches, this paper will instead consider the impact of firms’  transnational relations and the often neglected role of working class  struggles. It will argue that capitalist diversity can only be understood at the nexus of these ostensibly global and local phenomena. By specifying the strategic decisions taken by firms in Argentina’s automobile industry, this paper will account for the failure of this sector. Specifically focusing on the automobile industry in the city of Córdoba, it will also examine the role of working class struggles, arguing that these struggles were vital in  shaping the specific and unstable form of capitalist diversity that can be  found in Argentina, as well as potential alternatives to it.

Keywords: hierarchical market economy, industrial development, Argentina, automobile industry, Varieties of Capitalism, working class
