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„Tod@s somos iguales – tod@s somos diferentes“ – Widerstandsperspektiven von zapatistischen Frauen

Miriam Trzeciak, Anna-Maria Meuth

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Schlagwörter: Zapatistische Bewegung, Geschlecht, Ethnizität, agency/ doing resistance


“Tod@s somos iguales – tod@s somos diferentes” – Zapatista women’s perspectives on resistance.


Female political participation, as well as the articulation of specific rights for indigenous women, has played an important role in the Zapatista struggle since its first uprising in 1994. In this article we reflect on the impact of gender within everyday life and the self-organization and autonomy of the Zapatista movement. Starting with the revolutionary Zapatista women’s law, which was implemented in 1993, we focus on the diverse perspectives of Zapatista indigenous women. The law is representing situated gender interests respecting education, health, sexuality, work and political participation. We argue that the movement has helped enable Zapatista women to develop a critical reflexivity, which has, in turn, helped foster resistance against the encrusted gender concepts found within „usos y costumbres“ [uses and costumes]. Zapatista women’s proclaimed agency will be debated within the framework of postcolonial feminist approaches. In conclusion, we argue that gender transformation is a protracted process, especially under the structural circumstances of militarization, neoliberal policies, shifts in government, and (neo-)colonial continuities.

Keywords: Zapatista (social) movement, gender, ethnicity, agency/doing resistance
