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Sexuelle Orientierung und Geschlechtsidentität in der internationalen Menschenrechts- und Entwicklungszusammenarbeit

Arn Sauer, Karolin Hackemeyer

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Full Rights – Empty Pockets? Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity in Human Rights and Development. This article is concerned with gender identity and sexual orientation and with the international human rights of people, such as lesbians, gays, bisexuals, transsexuals and transgendered people and intersexuals (LGBTI), who do not defi ne themselves heteronormatively within these categories. Proceeding from the assumption that LGBTI activism has found its way into mainstream human rights organizations as well as into the human rights discourse of the United Nations, for example, through initiatives such as the Yogyakarta Principles, the article examines to what extent this rhetoric of inclusion has been put into practice in international development. The results, drawn from international research and research in Germany, show that LGBTI target groups are still shut out from the funding structures and financing mechanisms of development cooperation. Subsequently, the article suggests political (funding) strategies for the future that, if implemented, would contribute to the mobilization of resources and, thus, to a globally equitable mobilization of the LGBTI movement. It is argued that future strategies should support LGBTI organizations, particularly in the global South and East, to not only engage in their own countries, but also to help give their perspectives greater influence on international human rights discourses.
