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Multikulturalismus, Umverteilung, Anerkennung. Vom Unbehagen in der Vielfalt der Kulturen

Gerhard Hauck

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Multiculturalism, Redistribution, Recognition. Cultural Diversity and its Discontents.

Multiculturalism implies a seemingly insurmountable dilemma: Peaceful interaction between diverse cultures seems to presuppose that either one party imposes its own cultural and economic norms on all the others, or all forms of life, including the most inhuman ones, are regarded as of equal value. This dilemma can be solved by an approach which 1. accepts recognition and redistribution as equally valid principles of justice („bipolarity“); 2. recognizes the „strangely unconstraining constraint of the better argument“ as the only measure of the normative rightness of cultural practices („dialogical“ orientation); and 3. defines culture in processual rather than in substantivist terms – as conglomerates of contradictory and permanently changing practices („anti-essentialism“).
